Waterfront Developments
A unifying theme of the new city is the creation of a number of attractive lakes and canals in order to create the potential for waterfront development. The proposed network of lakes and canals will be linked by a number of attractive urban parks and tree lined roads and small parks, so that the overall appearance of the new city is one of space and greenery, unlike most industrial townships.
Wastewater generated in the DSIR will be treated at common effluent treatment plant (CETPs) to a standard that enables it to be recycled for the irrigation of agricultural land, parks and gardens, green spaces, forests and industrial use. Four STPs and four CETPs have been planned at different locations of the DSIR.
City Centre
The city centre is conceived as a vibrant, mixed‐use area and focal point for the whole of DSIR. Retail uses such as malls and stores. Commercial and Government offices. community facilities speciality hospitals, central library, concert halls, sports stadia, major religious buildings. Residential accommodation, including high quality apartments in prime locations overlooking the central park.